Games About The Bahamas

Take this True or False quiz on the Bahamas to see how much you know:

1. Andros is the largest island of the Bahamas

2. An archipelago of 700 islands make up the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

3. Christopher Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas called San Salvador.

4. The Bahamas is located in the Atlantic ocean and has many underwater caves, reefs and corals.

5. The Bahamas has been an independent country since 1973 when it separated from the UK.




Everyone must get into a big circle and hold hands. One person gets into the middle and dances while everyone else sings the song, then the person in the middle picks some one else and that person gets into the center. This is called ringplay and it is very popular in the Bahamas. There are many different ringplay songs but this is one of the most popular.

Brown Girl in the Ring

There's a brown girl in the ring
Tra la la la la
There's a brown girl in the ring
Tra la la la la la
Brown girl in the ring
Tra la la la la
She looks like a sugar in a plum
Plum plum

Show me your motion
Tra la la la la
Come on show me your motion
Tra la la la la la
Show me your motion
Tra la la la la
She looks like a sugar in a plum
Plum plum

Skip across the ocean
Tra la la la la
Skip across the ocean
Tra la la la la la
Skip across the ocean
Tra la la la la
She looks like a sugar in a plum
Plum plum.